Earning Cap/Mechanics

Challenge Mode Earning Cap

Challenge Mode has both a Daily Energy Cap and Daily Token Cap. These limits restrict the amount of Energy and tokens that users can have per day. When you get 1 Energy, you will get 1 minute of exercise time, you need to complete the challenge within the specified time to get the basic bonus, if the required number is not completed within the specified time, your basic bonus will be reduced.

Daily Energy Cap

Users start the game with 10/10 Energy.

Daily Token Cap

Users start the game with a 1/1 Daily CAL Cap. The Daily Token Cap maxes out at 60 CAL. Users can increase their Daily Token Cap by leveling up their Sweatsuits. User can further permanently increase the CAL cap beyond 60/60 by by burning some AMX. This option will only become visible when you reach 90% of your current Daily Cap.

There is NO earning cap for AMX.

Challenge Mode Earning Mechanics

Token Earnings = Base Coefficient x Challenge completion level x Efficiency x Cleanability level

In short, the factors which affect CAL Earnings are:

  1. Reward factor

  2. Challenge completed or not

  3. Sweatsuit (Quality, Attributes & Level)

  4. Accessories

Last updated